New school fundraising group elects Villarma as president

The Wrangell Athletic Club, created to raise money for school sports activities, has elected high school cross-country coach Mason Villarma as its first president.

The group held its second organizational meeting Sept. 27, with its next meeting scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 25, in the chamber of commerce office at the Stikine Inn.

The new board is working to get its IRS nonprofit status, which would allow the group to raise money and accept donations.

Leslie Cummings, who was elected club secretary, reported high school wrestling coach Jack Carney was named vice president and high school swim coach Jaimie Roberts will be treasurer. Other board members include high school boys basketball coach Cody Angerman, high school girls basketball coach Christy Good and community member Chris Johnson.

The new board at its Sept. 27 meeting adopted a mission statement for the group: “Raising funds to assist, promote and encourage participation of students and community who participate in school activities.”

In an earlier interview, Villarma said the club would raise money for elementary, middle and high school sports and activities.


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