Fun-filled Turkey Trot ready for 13th year on Thanksgiving Day

The Turkey Trot returns to Wrangell for its 13th year at 9 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 23, at the Volunteer Park Nature Trail.

Sign-ups begin at 8:45 a.m. at the covered basketball court behind Evergreen Elementary School. Sponsored by Parks and Recreation, the 5-kilometer (3.1 miles) race course is a three-times loop of the Nature Trail. Participants can choose to either run or walk. Though there isn’t an entry fee, a donation of $10 is suggested.

Recreation Coordinator Devyn Johnson expects a turnout similar to last year. “We usually get about 60 to 70. It’s a family event.”

To enhance the fun of the event, costumes of all kinds are encouraged, but if you don’t have a costume handy, Johnson said not to worry. “We have two full boxes of costumes that we’ll bring with us,” she said.

One of their most memorable costumes appears to have been misplaced. “We had an eagle head, it’s a fun one,” she said. “It’s currently missing, so if anyone knows about its whereabouts, please let us know.”

According to Johnson, Wrangell’s version of the growing nationwide Thanksgiving run was the brainchild of Parks and Recreation Director Lucy Robinson, who started the event when she headed Southeast Beasts, a nonprofit running group that held fundraisers for various causes and charities in town. Robinson continued organizing the Turkey Trot when she joined the Parks and Recreation staff.

Johnson said the Trot is a chance for people to put their turkeys in their ovens early Thanksgiving morning, and then participate in the run before returning home to put on clean clothes in anticipation of the holiday feast.

In addition to the suggested $10 donation, it’s also suggested that runners and walkers bring a canned item to donate to The Salvation Army food drive.

A door prize is typically offered at the event, although one hasn’t been offered as of yet. “This is when we ask businesses and community to donate, so we haven’t started that yet,” Johnson said.

Snacks will be made available afterwards, along with water and Gatorade.

No advance registration is necessary. For more information, contact Johnson at the Parks and Recreation office at 907-874-2444.


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