Legion prepares holiday gift-giving for veterans and seniors

In addition to their children’s Christmas party, the American Legion Auxiliary is also preparing to provide gifts and treats for other groups in the community, starting with the Veterans Cookie Trade a week before Thanksgiving, as well as their Senior Santa program.

According to Marilyn Mork, the Veterans Cookie Trade began about five or six years ago. “At one of our meetings, we decided we would do something for our veterans,” she said. “The ladies and other community members offer to bake goodies and then we go deliver them.”

Plans are to deliver the tasty treats on Saturday, Nov. 18, and possibly Sunday, Nov. 19.

Mork said she is still discovering residents who served in the military. “We have a list of most of the veterans in town, but not all,” she said. “We have a hard time finding out who’s a veteran and who’s not.”

Depending on possible dietary restrictions, veterans could receive fruit, cheese or sugar-free candy instead.

While Mork has done a lot of the deliveries for the cookie trade in the past, she won’t be available this November, so other members of the auxiliary will pitch in to deliver.

The Senior Santa program began approximately four years ago, according to Mork. Similar to The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program for kids, trees will be set up at First Bank, Wells Fargo and Tongass Federal Credit Union just before Thanksgiving with tags that feature an identification number — but not a name, to respect the recipient’s privacy — and a shopping list of various items such as personal care products, a flashlight, a blanket, puzzles or games, and maybe even a Christmas ornament.

“It’s a little care package, basically,” Mork said, who will also add items for which she personally shops. The gift bags will be put together and delivered on Dec. 18.

She’s thankful to various residents, businesses and institutions for their contributions. The Senior Center has assisted the past few years with making deliveries, while Stikine Drug regularly donates items. “They’ll have boxes of stuff,” she said.

Items for the Senior Santa can be dropped off at the banks or they can contact Mork for further instructions. If residents prefer not to bake or shop, financial donations are also welcome. For more information, contact Mork at 907-470-0085.


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