Please everyone, pick up after your dog in the park and ballfield

I like to think of myself as a responsible dog owner. I have traveled with my dogs for the past eight years to Washington, Oregon, California and Idaho. We have visited many dog parks where I found the dog owners to be extremely responsible in picking up their dog’s poop.

Over 16 days I have taken my dog to City Park and the ballfields and I have picked up poop from 33 dogs. Please, be a responsible dog owner and pick up your own dog’s poop.

If your dog is not on a leash, please keep them in your sight so you can pick up their dog poop. It spreads disease, is smelly and I hate it when I have to wash my dog’s feet because she stepped in your dog’s poop.

Sometimes, they run out of poop bags at the parks, so always try to bring at least one bag of your own. And feel free to share your old grocery bags with others if needed. If we all picked up our own dog’s poop, we would have a cleaner, healthier and nicer-smelling community.

Janet Buness

and dog Harley


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