The Way We Were

From the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago

Nov. 29, 1923

The U.S. Bureau of Education boat Boxer, Capt. S. T. L. Whittman commanding, with W.T. Lopp, had in its cargo 92 reindeer carcasses from St. Lawrence Island, near the Siberian coast. When Mr. Lopp expressed his willingness to distribute a few of the dressed reindeer among the dealers of Southeastern Alaska, Harry Coulter, manager of City Meat Market, purchased a nice fat reindeer weighing 180 pounds, which was quickly disposed of to the local trade. All who sampled the reindeer meat were more than pleased. The Wrangell Hotel served reindeer meat at the Commercial Club luncheon Monday, and the guests were greatly pleased with the innovation.

Nov. 19, 1948

Due to the present maritime strike which is causing a terrific pileup of parcel post mail in Seattle, Postmaster E. R. Sharnbroich is urging Wrangell residents to get their Christmas mailing done early. At the present time, he said, we are sure of three sailings for the states before Christmas: Nov. 27, Dec. 7 and Dec. 18. In order to reach their destination before Christmas, all parcels going beyond Seattle and vicinity should be on the boat leaving Wrangell on Dec. 7. The boat leaving Wrangell on Dec. 18 will not arrive in Seattle until Dec. 21 or 22, and that will not allow time for delivery before Christmas. The postmaster asks the cooperation of mailers in getting their parcels into the post office before the last few hours of the dates on which boats are sailing.

Nov. 28, 1973

Wrangell taxpayers will be asked Jan. 9 to approve an additional $200,000 in bonds to assure construction of the Wrangell General Hospital addition. The city council approved the special general obligation bond question last week after hearing that an original $200,000 bond issue, approved last October, was insufficient because of rising construction costs. The hospital board had asked the council to approve a $160,000 issue. On a recommendation by Councilman Ken Mason, the bond issue was set at $200,000 to handle contingencies. The additional $40,000 need not be spent unless it is needed, said City Manager Herb McNabb. The hospital work, due to begin next spring, would include a 10-bed nursing home and physiotherapy department with a finished basement for doctors and other offices.

Nov. 22, 1998

This past weekend, Wrangell sports fans had the opportunity to enjoy three full days of activities at home, including youth basketball games, a wrestling tournament and a swimming meet. Athletes from all over Southeast arrived as early as Thursday afternoon to prepare for their events. One of the competitions marked the largest ever in Wrangell in swimming. The November-Splash drew 166 swimmers from Petersburg, Haines, Ketchikan, Sitka, Juneau, Craig and Wrangell.


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