Police report

Monday, Dec. 4

Obstructing work zone: Citation issued for disregarding highway obstruction.

Child in need.

Tuesday, Dec. 5

Agency assist: Alaska State Troopers.


Wednesday, Dec. 6

Traffic stop: Vehicle owner was advised about registration.

Subpoena service.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for no registration tags and temporary in the wrong spot.

Thursday, Dec. 7

Found property.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for driving habits.

Friday, Dec. 8

Citizen assist.

Citizen assist.

Agency assist: Search and Rescue.

Agency assist: Ambulance.

Domestic: Verbal.

Saturday, Dec. 9

Civil issue.

Domestic violence order.

Sunday, Dec. 10

Subpoena service.

Agency assist: Department of Transportation.

Agency assist: Alarm.


During this reporting period there were six agency assists for the Hoonah Police Department.


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