The Way We Were

From the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago

Dec. 20, 1923

O.D. Leet, who has been in correspondence with members of the Wrangell Commercial Club for several months, arrived here a few days ago. He was present at the Commercial Club luncheon last Monday and laid his proposition before that organization. He announced that after investigating the local situation, he was convinced that there is a good opportunity here for a cold storage, and that he was willing to put in a plant if local people would go in with him on the proposition. He estimated that it would require $30,000 to put in a plant that would be adequate for local needs. He proposed the organization of a stock company, and offered to put up two-thirds of the capital. The members at the luncheon were so well pleased with the proposition that a meeting was called for Monday evening to further consider the matter.

Dec. 17, 1948

The American Legion Post is immediately starting a program of boxing for the younger men and boys of Wrangell with future plans of competing with neighboring towns and possibly the Golden Gloves Tournament. George Case has been appointed chairman of the committee and asks that all boys or young men interested turn in their name to him immediately. Nick Johnson, who has coached several successful fighters before, will assist Case with the boys.

Dec. 19, 1973

“We have improved 200% since our first game and we expect to be at the state tournament in Anchorage.” That was the evaluation this week by Coach Paul Schweinburg of his Wrangell Wolves boys basketball team after a double rout Friday and Saturday of Mt. Edgecumbe. The Wolves, relying heavily on reserves after it became evident that Wrangell could easily outpower Edgecumbe, racked up a record 113 points in the game Friday against the visitors 42. On Saturday, the scoring record was eclipsed as the Wolves lashed Mt. Edgecumbe again, this time 121-58.

Dec. 17, 1998

In response to a major concern of the staff, the school board approved a first reading of a new attendance and tardiness policy. The new policy would limit the number of classes a student is allowed to miss to 10 per semester, not counting school-sponsored activities. The staff and administration are seeing a direct relationship between learning and attendance, and believe that only those students with regular attendance will be able to complete the upcoming benchmark and graduation exams successfully.


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