Unanswered questions about ordinance allowing accessory dwelling units

I attended the Dec. 12 borough assembly meeting where members approved an ordinance to allow accessory dwelling units on lots that already have a house. The stated purpose is to increase housing and rental units. I asked several questions about utilities for the rental units. The assembly members did not answer my questions.

This is why I am asking these questions in this letter: Will the landlords receive a utility bill? Will the utility bill contain all of the utilities that are on my bill? This is not stated in the ordinance, but I believe the landlords would be allowed to route utilities to or from either house and not pay for utilities on the rental unit. This proposal is not transparent and unfair to other utility payers.

Another question is: Who pays for the increased load on Wrangell utilities when thousands of tourists visit Wrangell all summer long?

I will tell you it is the utility payers in Wrangell. I say user pays.

Bill Gaines


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