Contractor on the job to install harbor security cameras

Installation of security cameras at eight port and harbor sites has started. “Chatham just showed up today,” Harbormaster Steve Miller said on Jan. 2, referring to Juneau-based Chatham Electric, which has a $495,000 borough contract for the work.

“We did all the site inspections for the camera locations. … We’ll be working on it, and we should be done by the end of March,” Miller said.

Originally intended to be installed in late summer through fall of 2023, Miller said he was unsure of the reason for the postponement, although he believes it may have been due to supply chain delay for some of the components, including the cameras.

In addition to running live feeds that monitor the harbor sites, the system will hold recordings for up to 30 days.

Once the cameras are installed, the surveillance network will cover Reliance Harbor, The Marine Service Center, City Dock, Heritage Harbor, Shoemaker Bay Harbor, Inner Harbor, Fish and Game Float and Standard Oil Float.

Miller said LED light upgrades to provide extra illumination in the areas intended for surveillance will be installed toward the end of the project.

“Each site is designed to be equipped with one or more surveillance cameras and a wireless connection to the surveillance system … located at the harbormaster office,” Capital Facilities Director Amber Al-Haddad wrote in an email last June. The borough assembly approved the contract in June.

“There are about 24 camera units total across all sites; however, many of these have multiple lenses,” Al-Haddad explained.

An increase in thefts at Wrangell harbors in recent years prompted the borough to take on the project, which is funded by U.S. Department of Homeland Security grants through a state program that provides money for law enforcement and security-related needs around Alaska.

The borough received $836,910 for design and construction of the video surveillance system, as well as additional lighting at harbor facilities. No local match was required for the federal money.


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