Ketchikan resident announces he will run for state House

I am Robb Arnold and I plan to run for the District 1 seat (Ketchikan, Metlakatla and Wrangell) in the Alaska House of Representatives.

I came to Alaska in the early 1990s to work with my dad at a logging camp on Kuiu Island, near Sitka. Rowan Bay changed my life. The challenging work, the forest, the bears, hunting and fishing — it made me fall in love with life in Southeast.

I worked during the summers, then came back in 2000. For years, my home has been in Ketchikan.

I was hired in 2006 as a crew member for the Alaska Marine Highway System and currently work as a chief purser.

We love Southeast Alaska. Let’s keep it a place where our families can live, stay rooted and thrive. My wife and I have a daughter, who is a freshman at Ketchikan High School.

Stability to me is living within our means and to somehow bring down the high cost of living in Southeast.

I plan to visit Wrangell and meet you and listen to your concerns.

Robb Arnold



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