The Way We Were

From the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago

Feb. 21, 1924

The new telephone system that was installed the first of the month instead of being considered an innovation and a luxury was straightway accepted as a necessity to the majority of citizens here. New subscribers have been added so rapidly that another directory is being issued. However, Manager J. K. Nevell announces he cannot give the best service possible unless people ring off when they are through talking. The logical one to ring off is the person who called the number, but the benefit is the same if the one who was called rings off. A short visit to the central office will demonstrate why the ringing off is so necessary for quick service and the visitor will come away resolving that he will not again neglect that necessary procedure.

Feb. 18, 1949

If our local weather man (Art Nelson) is trying to equal or better the snowfall of 1947 when Wrangell had a record fall of 190.1 inches between October 1946 and April 1947, he can call the whole deal off now as far as a lot of disgusted snow shovelers are concerned. He’s within four inches of it right now, and it’s only February. Up to Feb. 16, 186.2 inches had covered Wrangell’s streets. Storm warnings were in the forecast for today and tomorrow from the U.S. Weather Bureau, which seems to be playing along into Nelson’s hands.

Feb. 20, 1974

Despite efforts at cutbacks to conserve fuel, increased demands for light and heat obliged the city power plant to deliver a record 1.4 million kilowatts of power during January, City Manager Herb McNabb said this week. The administrator blamed the increase on the cold snap and community growth. McNabb also disclosed that he has queried legislators about the availability of federal funds to help develop local sources of hydro power. Funds might be available, he said, from monies allocated by the president to seek new sources of energy in the United States.

Feb. 18, 1999

The Wrangell Wolves played host to the Metlakatla Chiefs this past weekend. The games were the last home games of the year for the Wolves. With wins over the Chiefs, the Wolves would finish the home season undefeated and would clinch the top seed in the regional tournament. The final score on Friday was Wrangell 104, Metlakatla 81; Saturday was Wrangell 78, Metlakatla 69. The Wolves finished the season perfect at home with a 10-0 mark, and are currently 4-2 on the road, giving them a 14-2 overall record. The Wolves travel to Craig this weekend.


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