High school senior volunteers for fundraisers and shooting range cleanup

High school student Cody Eastaugh has worked part time for almost two years at the Bay Company, known as BayCo, which specializes in marine sales and service at its Front Street location. While trying to decide on his senior project, his boss Dave Powell came up with the idea that Eastaugh could assist him with volunteer efforts for two fundraisers and cleanup and repairs at the shooting range.

"I thought, that's a terrific idea and I should do that," Eastaugh said.

First, he helped Powell with setup, cleanup and general assistance for a Friends of the NRA dinner and auction last November. "During the auction, I was holding items (up for bid)," he said.

"It was fun, I enjoyed it," he added. "The whole setup, I was with people I knew, so it was fun, and the overall experience I'd say it was good."

Next, Eastaugh aided Powell with the Stikine Sportsmen Association's fundraiser dinner held on March 2. While he couldn't be present during the event, being under 21 with alcoholic beverages served at the dinner, the high school senior was able to help with the setup before and cleanup afterward.

Powell had nothing but praise regarding Eastaugh's assistance with both dinners: "He did a phenomenal job."

Finally, as Parks and Recreation, Friends of the NRA and the Stikine Sportsmen Association are working to restore the shooting range down past the golf course off the Spur Road, Eastaugh will assist Powell with cleanup and prep work for security measures.

"Like cameras and stuff and it's more secure, so people aren't going up there at night when you're not supposed to," he said. "Flattening ground, removing trees, cleaning up the area because I know there's a lot of trash out there."

"We're hoping to do that this spring," Powell said, who added that he and other residents want to rebuild the Wrangell Rod and Gun Club, bring back trapshooting to the range and eventually have a clubhouse there.

So far, what Eastaugh has enjoyed the most during his project has been the set-up process for the events and learning what goes on behind the scenes. "It's cool being able to take all the prizes and stuff ... and setting them on the tables," he said.

After graduation, he's considering learning auto mechanics at schools like WyoTech in Laramie, Wyoming, or Montana State University – Northern in Havre, Montana. However, he's also mindful that he already has a good job with BayCo. "If I could get outboard mechanic-certified, I could come back here, and have a designated job that I already know that I'll be making money at."

He'll miss the comradery of high school. "I like this school because it's so small that I feel like everyone knows each other, and we're all friends," he said.

On the other hand, Eastaugh admits that he's ready to venture out after growing up in such a small town. "I've been here all my life. I want to experience the world, see new things, you know?"


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