Wrangell loans ambulance to Ketchikan after station fire

The South Tongass Volunteer Fire Department station in Ketchikan caught fire early morning April 9, damaging multiple fire and EMS response vehicles.

When the Wrangell Fire Department heard about the damages, they responded quickly by lending an ambulance to Ketchikan, sending it out on a barge later that same day.

The fire started at 2 a.m. April 9, according to information from the Ketchikan Gateway Borough, and was under control by 3:49 a.m. and extinguished by 4:30 a.m. No one was injured in the fire.

The Ketchikan department lost a 20-year-old fire engine, a 20-year-old ambulance and a support vehicle in the fire. A 7-year-old fire engine was smoke damaged, as was a 10-year-old ambulance, but both may be repairable.

The fire started at the north end of the building near a piece of equipment, and the state fire marshal traveled to Ketchikan to investigate the cause of the blaze.

The South Tongass department responders now are stationed at the Ketchikan Fire Department’s downtown station about 6 miles away, where they continue to provide fire and EMS response services.

Wrangell has three ambulances and could spare one to help Ketchikan, Borough Manager Mason Villarma said. He said there is still plenty of coverage in Wrangell, and that there are backup plans in place.

In addition to the Wrangell loan, the Alaska State Fire Marshal Office is loaning a fire engine to Ketchikan and the borough is proceeding with the purchase of a 2024 pumper fire engine that officials located in Washington state. The cost is almost $800,000.

The Ketchikan Daily News contributed reporting for this story.


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