Just say yes and follow His path to a rewarding life

We celebrated Easter Sunday on March 31, and April 1 was the beginning of Easter Week that went to April 6. It’s all a very exciting time in the Christian year. The risen Christ paved the way for all who believe in Him to spend our eternal lives with Him in heaven.

None of us have the knowledge as to how long we have here on Earth. We journey through our lives dealing with raising kids, attending weddings and nurturing grandchildren. Our earthly lives are built with lots of busy activities, happy times and sad times.

One never knows what will happen next, but we wake up each morning to face another day. We do have the book known as the Holy Bible that can guide us to a rewarding life here on Earth and a pathway into the next eternal life by making a promise to the Risen Christ.

This is the easiest commitment we can make in our earthly lives. Just say yes, I believe in you Lord and I will follow the example you set for all of us.

I will trust that you will guide me and show me the path to follow.

-- Don McConachie, St Philip’s Episcopal Church


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