June 1 retirement potluck party for Sandy Churchill

A retirement potluck party for Sandy Churchill will be held at 4 p.m. Saturday, June 1, at the Nolan Center. All residents are welcome to attend and bring prepared food or dessert.

"Bring a dish to share and a story to tell," Head Start coworker Dawn Welch said.

"This party is to celebrate the years and years of Sandy's commitment and dedication to our Head Start program," Welch said earlier this month in a Facebook post about the party.

Churchill will step down at the end of the school year after 26 years in early childhood education as lead teacher for Wrangell's Head Start program. The veteran educator is stepping down to help care for her grandchildren while their parents are at work, including twin 2-year-old girls.

For more information, contact Welch via the Wrangell Community Group on Facebook.


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