The Way We Were

From the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago

June 5, 1924

Miss Yeteve Taake, field representative for the Pacific Division of the American Red Cross, arrived in Wrangell last Friday for a week’s work with the local chapter of the Red Cross. Miss Taake is very pleased with the work of the Wrangell chapter. She has spent the week looking over various reports, visiting with the recipients of the nurse’s services, talking with board members and many others interested and reached by this splendid service. “Loan closets are much appreciated in the communities having Red Cross chapters, and Wrangell has the beginning of a very good loan closet.”

June 3, 1949

William A. Johnson, a specialist in designing school buildings who is designing buildings for the Wrangell and Anchorage school systems, was in town on Wednesday to meet with city council members. One plan he presented was agreed upon by the council, but as a quorum was not present, no definite action will be taken until next council meeting. Acting Mayor Peter McCormack said the delay would enable the council to get more definite information on the financing of the building. According to McCormack, the architect estimates that it will take every cent of the $113,000 the town is expected to have to work with.

June 7, 1974

In order to minimize the impact of closure, the Wrangell Institute will remain in operation for one additional year. The facilities will then close in the summer of 1975, Clarence Antioquia, acting director of the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Alaska, has told the Sentinel. Antioquia attributed the closure to two main factors: decreasing enrollment and increasing costs of running the facility. Bureau of Indian Affairs statistics also show the need for $1.5 million in repairs to bring the Wrangell Institute campus up to standards. Antiquia said another federal or state agency may choose to use the 171-acre campus with its 19 buildings.

June 3, 1999

A nice, relaxing drive out to Fools Inlet Sunday evening unexpectedly turned into the makings of a Stephen King movie for Shannan and John Moody. Once reaching the end of the road at Fools Inlet, they had driven about one half mile back when Shannon says she saw something brown in a field. Soon they both saw what they thought was a large bear. As Shannan continued to watch, she could see that the animal slowly approaching John’s side of the car was a VERY large brown bear, looking as big as their small Geo Metro. “The more nervous I got, the more John laughed,” recalls Shannan. “I could see that he was coming closer and closer, but John was laughing at me so hard that he didn’t notice.” In a very short time the bear was so close that “I could look right into his eyes,” says Shannan. At that point, John floored the car and took off, just as the bear was in the ditch right beside their vehicle. Looking back they saw the bear chasing them. John, looking in the rearview mirror, could see nothing but the brown animal right behind them. Finally, after driving at breakneck speed for a while, they slowed down for a more cautious look. Standing in the road now, the bear was still swinging his head and front feet back and forth, obviously very angry.


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