New owner will allow salvage of usable items before hospital demolition

The borough plans to pull the standby electrical generator, fire extinguishers and other usable items from the former hospital building before the new owner of the property tears down the structure to make way for a residential development.

Wayne Johnson, the Georgia-based real estate developer who planned to close on the purchase of the hospital property this week, is allowing the borough time to salvage what it wants from the building, Borough Manager Mason Villarma said May 29.

“The borough can take whatever they want from there,” Johnson said in an interview Sunday, June 2.

The borough has sold the standby generator for $5,000, Villarma said, though the buyer will need to take down a wall to gain access to remove the unit.

The borough might also retrieve air compressors, along with the stove, range and vent hood from the kitchen, he said. “We don’t want to waste anything.”

The building — the original portion opened in 1968 — also includes a lot of solid wood doors, Villarma said, adding that the borough could give those to the high school shop class for projects.

Before he tears down the building, currently planned for October, Johnson said he plans to open it up a month or two in advance for individuals to salvage what they can. That could include metal roofing, wiring, windows and doors. Even toilets.

“Believe it or not, there are a lot of valuable plumbing fixtures in that place,” he said.

People who retrieve items from the building for personal use can have them for free, Johnson said, but anyone who plans to resell the goods will need to make a donation for a community project.

He is thinking of playground improvements as a worthy recipient for the donations, but has not made a final decision.


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