Borough will build streets to open up eight industrial lots

The borough will construct Fifth and Sixth avenues in the Industrial Park Subdivision to provide access to eight platted lots to be made available for sale to the public.

Borough Manager Mason Villarma said he is unsure of the timeline, but estimates the lots could be ready for sale by fall.

The area is off St. Michael’s Street, about a block away from the Airport Loop Road and across from the turnoff to the Spur Road.

The assembly approved the street construction contract to Ketchikan Ready-Mix and Quarry for $233,000 at its meeting July 1. The borough received three bids for the project but Ketchikan Ready-Mix and Quarry was the lowest bidder.

The contractor will begin work on the project in the coming few weeks, after finishing construction on the Mount Dewey trail extension project.

Villarma said there is an immediate need for industrial lots in the community due to commercial and industrial growth.

The lots will not have water or sewer lines; electrical lines will be strung overhead. The lots will be sold with the notice that the borough “has no plans to provide water and sewer utilities in the future.”

The project will include a two-lane gravel-surface roadway for a portion of Fifth Avenue and all of Sixth Avenue. The roadways will be built using a method called flotation, where fill is “floated” over the muskeg and “where it is critical to ensure the peat mat is not broken,” Capital Facilities Director Amber Al-Haddad explained in a presentation to the assembly for its July 1 meeting.

“This method is generally cheapest in initial cost,” Al-Haddad wrote. “However, loss of stability and severe differential settlement, with continued maintenance costs, are to be expected. A geotextile fabric is scheduled to be used between the peat and the fill material to eliminate the mixing of the materials, helping to reduce the strength loss.”


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