King salmon derby prizes awarded

The chamber of commerce awarded prizes for last month’s king salmon derby at a ceremony July 11 at the Nolan Center.

Charlie Webb, of Anchorage, won the $1,500 cash prize for the largest fish of the derby, at 43.5 pounds.

Wrangell’s Diana Nore took second place, and $750, for her 38.1-pound catch. Mike Ramsey, of Cheyenne, Wyoming, won $500 for finishing third with his 37.3-pound salmon.

The king derby — in its 69th year — ran June 15-30.

Connor Blake won $100 for the largest salmon in the 12-and-younger age division with his 22.6-pound catch. The award is in memory of the late Leonard Angerman, a longtime business and community leader.

Stuart Woodbury won $75 for second place with his 20.9-pound salmon, and Carsyn Christian came in third in the youth division at 19.9 pounds and won $50.

The Big Minnow Award, sponsored by Ed and Susannah Caum, for the smallest fish caught in the youth division, went to Quentin Dumas, who won $50 for the honor.

Almost 160 people purchased tickets to fish in this year’s derby, with 27 turning in kings at the weigh station.


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