Municipal election candidacy filing opens in 2 weeks

The candidacy filing period opens Aug. 2 for this year’s municipal elections for mayor, borough assembly, school board and port commission.

Candidates will have until Aug. 30 to complete the declaration form, which will be available starting July 31 at the borough clerk’s office in City Hall.

Mayor Patty Gilbert’s two-year term expires this fall and will be on the Oct. 1 election ballot, along with the assembly seats currently held by Bob Dalrymple and Jim DeBord. The assembly seats are for three-year terms.

Gilbert, who is finishing her first term as mayor, plans to run for reelection, she said July 11. She wants to continue working on several projects underway to improve the community. The assembly and borough officials have focused on repairing aging buildings and trying to bolster the town’s economy.

A pair of school board seats, also for three-year terms, will be on the Oct. 1 ballot. The terms of board members Brittani Robbins and Angela Allen expire this fall.

And the three-year terms filled by port commission members Chris Buness and John Martin both expire this year and will be on the ballot.

Candidates for borough office are required to collect 10 signatures for their declaration form.

Candidates for mayor and assembly must be a registered voter, at least 18 years old, and must have lived in Wrangell at least one year.

School board candidates must be at least 18 years old and a registered voter.

Port commissioners must be at least 21 years old and have lived in Wrangell for at least one year.

All of the elected officials serve without pay.


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