The world will be better if we love our neighbor

Both good and evil are the forces that we deal with each and every day. We start our day and we make choices that affect us and the people around us. Even the things we handle each day can be used for good or evil. It is up to us to determine how we handle each situation that we face.

Let’s start with money, known as the root of all evils. Is that correct? It is up to us to determine which it will be. You can take a portion of your money and buy a child an ice cream cone. As the child eats it, a smile appears on their face and they are happy. You can take that same portion of your money and use it in a completely different way that could result in sadness.

Sometimes it is difficult for us to determine how to spend our day doing good things. We struggle with some very tough decisions that must be made. One thing we should not struggle with is how to be kind to our fellow human beings. Put love at the top of your list each and every morning, and if you do that you will find a marked difference in the way you and the people around you react.

Jesus did this throughout His time on Earth and he charged us to do the same thing. So tomorrow morning start anew and love your neighbor as yourself. I hope each and every one of us in Wrangell will take this as a challenge.

I think we will all be amazed at what a difference it will make.

Don McConachie

Saint Philip’s Episcopal Church


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