Holiday ornament hidden in the forest could be a winner

Somewhere in the Wrangell district of the Tongass National Forest lies a prize package — a special holiday ornament containing a possible winning ticket, among other surprises.

The U.S. Forest Service hid ornaments in each of the nine districts of the Tongass to raise awareness for the 10,000 ornaments that Alaskans are being asked to create for the Capitol Christmas Tree and multiple smaller trees that will be on display this holiday season in the nation’s capital.

This year’s premier holiday tree will come from the Tongass. It comes from a different national forest each year.

The first person in each Tongass district to find the special ornament will be entered into a raffle, with the winner receiving two round-trip tickets to Washington, D.C., for the Christmas tree lighting in November.

The U.S. Forest Service announced the Willy Wonka-esque golden ticket hunt earlier this month, and since then has been posting clues on the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree Facebook page to help prospective ticket hunters find the prize package. There are three hints per district, all of which are available online.

The most recent hint for the hidden Wrangell district package was: “I am in a cold dark place protected by a path that will lead you away from a splash.”

On July 16, a family found the Petersburg district’s prize package, which contained ornaments, some Smokey the Bear merchandise and, of course, the coveted ticket for the raffle.

As of Monday morning, no one had found the Wrangell district hidden ornament.


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