Stikine River Rats say thank you for help with Fourth boat races

With tremendous gratitude, the Stikine River Rats Racing Club board of directors would like to thank the following for their dedication and time to produce this year’s Fourth of July boat races. The list is over 50 people who set up, organized and/or participated, and many of these wonderful people had multiple roles. We thank you.

Setup and teardown: Kevin Stutz and AML for the officials stand setup; David Joseph for moving the risers and equipment.

Course setup: Randy Easterly, Wayne Easterly and Geoffrey Stokes.

Installation of the speakers: Municipal line crew Dwight Yancy, Jacob Hammer and David McHolland.

Raffle tickets: Alaska Airlines for the two systemwide tickets to raffle.

Raffle ticket sales: Kyala Phillips for the raffle ticket manager and sales; Rayme’s and L&M for ticket sales.

Racers: David Gillen, Randy Easterly, Jake Eastaugh, Curty Kautz, Brett Abrahamson and Gary Allen Jr.

Finish-line judges: Wade Jack and Darryl Smith.

Safety boats: James and Nicki Benedict, Mitchell Pflygrad, Scott Eastaugh on the EMS safety boat; Tim Gillen Jr. and Darryl Bartlett on the safety and start boat; James Leslie, Grace Wintermyer, Loni Buness, Mark and Dee Galla on the safety boats; Jacob Allen and Jordan Buness on the safety and finish boat.

EMS/ambulance: Dustin Johnson.

Start pit crew and racer pit crew: David Powell, board member and event pit crew; Kim Powell, event pit crew runner; Greg Wood, event pit crew and breathalyzer; Donovan Wood, event pit crew runner; Steve Beers, racer pit crew; Steve Thomassen, racer pit and event pit crew.

Merchandise and race-day ticket sales: Judy Guggenbickler.

Photographers: Robert Johnson and Scott McAuliffe.

U.S. Coast Guard Petersburg/safety boat: Lt. Michael M Vojvodich, team leader, ME1 Bradley Adams, ME3 Randy Keener and MK3 Alex Carmona.

Race officials: Anna Allen, board director and race director; Penny Allen, president, secretary, emcee and scorer; John Waddington, board director and referee; Donna Massin, board director and assistant risk manager; Marjy Wood, board director, vice president and risk manager; Coby Holder, board director, race DJ and assistant ref; and Jeannie Easterly, records.


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