Canoe team extends thanks to all who helped with journey

It took us seven days to get from Wrangell to Juneau in the Paddle to Celebration 2024. We could not have even launched without you and your support. Gunalchéesh.

We extend our deepest gratitude to all the community supporters who donated money, and those who lent us gear, especially the U.S. Forest Service and Wrangell Cooperative Association. We extend our deepest gratitude to our friends and family who offered views, likes and shares, and cheers and prayers — you paddled with us.

The Wrangell-Petersburg Indian Association Canoe Team extends its deepest gratitude to Alaska Vistas, Richard and Melissa Rinehart, Alicia Armstrong, Alaska Waters, Petersburg Indian Association and especially to SEARHC — you paddled with us. Gunalchéesh.

And we are so grateful for the efforts hosting our landing, blessing and send-off to start the journey from Wrangell.

We offer our deepest gratitude to everyone who donated food, everyone who cooked, everyone who donated cash and spent their time and worked on the event. Gunalchéesh.

We especially want to thank Danika Smalley, Christie Jamieson, Jeanie Arnold and Amber Wade. What you did for the canoe pullers was truly amazing. Gunalchéesh.

And for making the canoe landing possible, we send our deepest gratitude to The James and Elsie Nolan Center, American Legion Post 6, Wrangell Cooperative Association, St Philip’s Episcopal Church, Wrangell Parks and Recreation, Alaska Native Sisterhood Association and the Wrangell harbormaster office. Gunalchéesh.

Thank you for helping us roll out the red carpet for our guests during the canoe landing. All of you truly demonstrated Wrangell’s core value of hospitality. Gunalchéesh.

We are so indebted to so many for so much love they showed and hard work they put in. This community really came together and paddled as one. Gunalcheesh!

The Wrangell-Petersburg

Indian Association

Canoe Journey Team


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