Police report

Monday, Sept. 16

Agency assist: Harbor Department.

Welfare check.

Traffic stop.

Letter served for removal from a licensed premise.

Unattended death.

Tuesday, Sept. 17


Wednesday, Sept. 18

Complaint about deer.

Fire alarm.

Agency assist: Hospital.

Thursday, Sept. 19

Dog at large.

Agency assist: Fire Department.

Friday, Sept. 20

Suspicious activity.

Parking complaint.

Missing person.

Agency assist: Ambulance.

Saturday, Sept. 21

Suspicious circumstance.

Sunday, Sept. 22

Domestic disturbance.

Report of possible driving while under the influence.

Complaint about deer.

Complaint about a dog.

Report of possible driving while under the influence.

Agency assist: Ambulance.

Agency assist: Public Works.

Agency assist: Line crew.

Found property.

During this reporting period, there were four agency assists for the Hoonah Police Department.


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