Chamber brings back birthdays, anniversaries calendar

After missing last year, the chamber of commerce has resumed the decades-old tradition of assembling, printing and selling a calendar of community members’ birthdays and anniversaries.

The calendar, which started in the 1950s, is a fundraiser for scholarships for high school seniors.

People who preordered a calendar should come by the chamber office in the Stikine Inn to pick up their copy, said Tracey Martin, the chamber’s executive director. Copies also are available for people who did not preorder — the cost is $15.

The calendars are a limited edition: The group printed 200 copies for this year.

The chamber got a late start on this year’s calendars, taking on the project in October rather than the usual September kickoff, Martin said. “It was a big crunch time.”

The chamber lacked a volunteer to manage the project for a 2024 calendar, but Nel Churchill stepped forward to ensure the calendar would be back for 2025.

“We can’t do this without volunteers,” Martin said, adding that a second volunteer would be a big help this fall to put together the 2026 calendar.

The chamber office generally is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays or, if Martin is not in the office, calendar shoppers can call 907-305-0685 to arrange a pickup time.

The annual chamber scholarship is worth $1,000 spread over four years to help a graduating senior with educational or vocational training expenses after high school.


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