Assembly accepting applications to fill vacant seat

Anne Morrison, who is moving to Montana to be closer to family, has resigned her seat on the borough assembly. Applications to fill the vacancy will be accepted until Feb. 11, when the assembly is expected to appoint a successor to serve until the next municipal election in October.

Anyone interested in serving on the assembly needs to submit a letter of interest to the borough clerk’s office by 3 p.m. Feb. 11. The assembly will consider the applicants and make an appointment at its regularly scheduled meeting that evening.

A majority vote of the assembly is required to fill a vacancy.

Applicants must be a registered voter in Wrangell and have lived in the borough for at least the past year, according to the qualification requirements in the municipal charter.

Morrison was appointed to the assembly to fill a vacancy in 2018 and was elected in 2019, 2020 and 2023. Her three-year term ends in October 2026. Her appointed replacement will serve until the 2025 election, at which time an election will be held to fill the final year of the term until the 2026 election.

The assembly will accept her resignation at its Jan. 28 meeting; the Jan. 14 assembly meeting was canceled due to the expected lack of a quorum.

Morrison, who has lived in Wrangell 18 years, said serving on the assembly brought her “a sense of fulfillment … the ability to do good things.” The job requires members “to listen and do what does the most people the most good.”

It takes a lot of time to serve on the assembly, not just attending meetings but studying the issues and talking with people, she said, adding that most people don’t realize the time commitment to serve.

The six assembly members and mayor are not paid for their work.

Anne and Gary Morrison were both born and raised in Montana and have family there. They are scheduled to leave Wrangell on the southbound ferry Feb. 25.


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