Applications due Feb. 11 for port commission vacancy

The borough is looking for residents interested in serving on the port commission, which has a vacancy following the resignation of Gary Morrison.

With Anne and Gary Morrison leaving town next month to live closer to family in Montana, the borough assembly loses a six-year member (Anne) and the port commission loses a five-year member (Gary).

Residents interested in filling out the port commission term until October need to file a letter of interest with the borough clerk no later than 3 p.m. Feb. 11. The borough assembly is scheduled at its evening meeting Feb. 11 to select the new port commissioner. A majority vote of the assembly is required to fill the opening until the next municipal election.

The fill-in appointment will run out in October, when voters will choose a candidate to complete the final year of Morrison’s term which expires in 2026.

The five-member port commission, working with the harbormaster and assembly, sets rates for Wrangell’s port and harbors, sets priorities for improvements and repairs, and sets the rules for port and harbor users.

It’s the same 3 p.m. Feb. 11 deadline for residents to submit letters of interest to fill the vacancy on the borough assembly.

More information is available from the borough clerk’s office at City Hall, or call 907-874-2381.


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