The Way We Were

From the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago

Jan. 29, 1925

The finest equipped riverboat in the world of the twin-screw tunnel type will be built in Wrangell within the next 10 weeks and will be ready for operation on the Stikine at the opening of navigation early in May when gold seekers from everywhere will be rushing into the Cassiar region of British Columbia. The new boat will be an addition to the fleet of riverboats on the Stikine owned by Capt. Sid Barrington. Hazel B No. 2 will be the name of the new boat, which will be 90 feet in length with a 25-foot beam powered with two 90-hp Eastern Standard gas engines of the latest type. The engines have a 6½-inch bore, 89-inch stroke, turning at 600 revolutions per minute. The speed of the boat will be 15 miles an hour when traveling upstream.

Jan. 28, 1950

With the reservoir barely holding its own and the water main on Front Street out of commission, the outlook for Wrangell’s water supply remained discouraging this week. Water has been shut off along Front Street all week while water department crews worked 24 hours a day to find and repair two bad breaks. One was located in front of the cold storage plant and the other was near Grant’s Grocery. The one at the cold storage was attributable to freezing, City Supervisor Frank Zepp said, but the other was simply a case of the old, wire-bound wooden main being unable to stand the strain of overuse and pressure.

Jan. 29, 1975

Wrangell Institute, the 19-building, 174-acre campus where thousands of Native youths have attended school since the Bureau of Indian Affairs opened it in 1932, will close permanently June 30. Acting Superintendent Walden McFarland told the Sentinel that the word has come down from Washington to proceed with the closing, which Wrangell was told last May was almost a sure thing. “It is now official,” said McFarland. “We have started the countdown.” McFarland said the school has 45 employees, including seven full-time teachers. Since announcing in May that closing of the campus was virtually assured, several faculty members have resigned and moved away. Nearly 90 students are enrolled this year.

Jan. 27, 2000

The Wrangell Salmon Derby Committee is gearing up for Wrangell’s 48th annual King Salmon Derby. This year the derby will run from May 13 to June 11 and feature two more reasons to participate: two $10,000 tagged fish! Kim Brink, who along with her husband Perry is co-chairing this year’s derby, announced the following prizes: First place, $6,000; second is $4,000; third is $2,000; as well as $500 for first king over 50 pounds, $500 for first king over 60 pounds; a weekly $500 prize for the largest king salmon; and $2,500 for largest king caught during Special Derby Days May 27-29.


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