Classified ads


Piano tuner from Corvine Piano Care plans a March visit if there are enough pianos to be serviced. Contact Alice Rooney at 907-305-0007 to be put on the work list.


Fundraiser for Tasha Toombs Peterman. Hand-woven cedar bark hat by Clara Haily. Tickets are on sale through Feb. 13. Sellers are Clara Haley Fern Seimears and Lynn Allen, at Raymes. Call Clara at 907-305-0874.


Spacious 2-bedroom, 1½-bathroom, fully furnished 1,695-square-foot home near the airport, with 1-car garage, RV parking, gated backyard, handicap-accessible ramp. Lot size is 7,485 square feet. $450K Call 907-874-3783.


Wrangell Public Schools is accepting applications for the following position for the 2024-2025 School Year: Middle School Volleyball Head Coach: This is a part-time, contracted position coaching volleyball for students in grades 6-8 during the 2024-2025 school year only. Knowledge of volleyball is required; coaching experience is preferred. The anticipated dates are March 12 to April 24, 2025. For more information and a job description, please contact the District Office at 907-874-2347. Positions are open until filled. It is Wrangell Public School District policy to not discriminate based on age, race, color, national origin, sex or disability.


Superior Marine Services, a shipyard in Wrangell, is looking for a full-time experienced Bookkeeper/Office Manager. Required skills: QuickBooks online, bookkeeping, Microsoft Office Excel and Word. Duties included but are not limited to: Answering phones, coordinating with owner to schedule appointments, accounts payable, accounts receivable, daily invoicing, bank deposits, bank reconciliation, biweekly payroll, quarterly and annual payroll tax reports, quarterly borough sales tax, maintain parts inventory, ordering and stocking, must be able to lift/carry 50 pounds. Pay DOE. Email resume, references and reference letter to:


Wrangell Senior Center, Southeast Senior Services, a division of Catholic Community Service, is currently recruiting for a driver/assistant cook at $17/hour, 25 hours a week. Apply online at For more information contact Solvay Gillen at 907-874-2066.


KSTK is seeking a Development Director. Responsible for securing financial support for KSTK, planning and executing KSTK events. Part-time, hourly. Send resume and letter of interest to


Johnson’s Building Supply is accepting applications for the following position: Customer Service. Duties include counter sales, freight handling, customer deliveries, stocking and inventory. Full-time position; will require working Saturdays. Valid Alaska driver’s license, must be able to lift 50 lbs., forklift experience a plus, starting pay is DOE. Stop by Johnson’s for an application.


Looking for used creosote piling. Call 907-401-0224.


Do you have something to sell? Having a garage sale? Looking to buy something? Classified ads for individuals and community groups are free in the Sentinel. Contact Amber at 907-874-2301 or email


Do you have products to sell or have services to offer that you need to let folks know about? We can create your ad for the online and printed edition of the Wrangell Sentinel. Let us do the work for you so you can focus on other things. Contact Amber for pricing and more information at 907-874-2301 or email


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