Community calendar

CLOTHING and HOUSEHOLD RECYCLE SALE 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 8, at the American Legion.

Choose from more than 45 totes of lightly used and new items from off the island. Everything by donation. Hosted by BRAVE and St. Frances Animal Rescue volunteers.

VALENTINE’S DAY CARD MAKING 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Feb. 8, at the Irene Ingle Public Library. Materials will be provided. No registration required, just drop in.

BOOK CLUB 2 to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 8, at the Irene Ingle Public Library.

TRAVELING CLIMATE CHANGE EXHIBIT from the University Corporation for Science Education (a nonprofit of more than 130 North American colleges and universities) will be at the Nolan Center lobby through Feb. 28. No admission fee to see the exhibit. The center is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays.

STATE PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE will be in town on Thursday, Feb. 13, and will see clients in the clinic. Immunizations, birth control and STD screening, well-child exams for kids up to age 7, TB screening and medication, Narcan kits and medication disposal bags will be offered. The Public Health Center is in the Kadin Building, 215 Front St. Call 907-723-4611 to make an appointment so the nurse knows which immunizations to bring

FREE TAX RETURN PREPARATION every Saturday from Feb. 8 through April 12 at the Nolan Center classroom. Open to everyone, regardless of age. IRS-certified volunteers will prepare and e-file your return at no charge. By appointment only. Call Paula at 907-874-3824 or 907-305-0309.

CANVA FOR BEGINNERS PRESENTATION (a graphic design platform) 10 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 15, at the Irene Ingle Public Library. Presented by Sarah Scambler.

HOSPICE OF WRANGELL ANNUAL MEETING noon, Monday, Feb. 17, at the Catholic Church parish hall. Lunch provided. Everyone is welcome.

“STRICTLY BALLROOM” 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18, at the Nolan Center. The 1992 Australian romantic comedy is free; presented by Island of Faith Lutheran Church as part of its retro-movie program. Concession stand will be open.

CLIMATE CHANGE PRESENTATION 6 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 22, at the Nolan Center presented by Sean Kelly, assistant professor of the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

WRANGELL KIDS CLUB 2:30 to 5 p.m. Tuesdays at the community center for open gym, board games and coloring; 2:30 to 5 p.m. Wednesdays at the Irene Ingle Public Library for STEM activities and crafts; 2:30 to 5 p.m. Thursdays at the Nolan Center for a movie. For ages 7 to 13 years old. Runs through May 15. Free. Donations for snacks can be made online at

SPRING STORYTIME for children 10 to 11 a.m. Fridays through April 25 at the Irene Ingle Public Library. Stories, crafts and snacks.

PRE-K ART ACTIVITIES 11 a.m. to noon every Monday for ages 0-5 at The Salvation Army. Experience the arts each week with a special activity prepared by Capt. Belle. Call for more information 907-874-3753.

WINTER READING PROGRAM FOR GROWN-UPS runs through March 21 at the Irene Ingle Library. Track the books you read for a chance to earn prizes. Audiobooks, e-books and print all count. For 18 years old and up. An end-of-program party will be held March 22. Sponsored by the Friends of the Library. For more information call 907-874-3535.

ADULT INDOOR SOCCER, noon to 2 p.m. Saturdays, with Sam Pausman, at the community center gym. Open to 15 and older; no advance registration required. Drop-in rates apply.

SPRINT TRIATHLON registration is open until April 5. Event will take place on April 26 in the morning. Swim portion will take place at the pool; bike and run will be outdoors. All participants will need their own pit crew of 1-2 people to count laps, help with bike repairs and run supplies. Registration required. $50 fee. More information at or call 907-874-2444.

AA MEETINGS: North Star Group meets from 7 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays and Fridays, St. Philip’s Episcopal Church.

WRANGELL PARKS and RECREATION is offering multiple activities to get your body moving. For more information on any of the activities visit or call 907-874-2444.

- COMBINATION SWIMS Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; tot and lane swim from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., aquatic arthritis classes from 11 a.m. to noon, and water aerobics from noon to 1 p.m. No aquatic activities Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 due to lifeguard training.

- GYM WALKERS 7 to 9 a.m. Monday through Fridays, at the community center gym. For ages 18 years old and up. Must wear gym shoes.


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