The Way We Were

From the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago

Feb. 26, 1925

Life in Wrangell this winter is very different from what it has been in former years. During the past two decades there has not been enough traffic by dog teams in this region to attract any attention. But this winter Wrangell resembles Nome or Iditarod with its streets congested with dog teams that are leaving here daily for the Cassiar mining district in British Columbia. There are three outfits now on the Stikine en route from Wrangell to Telegraph Creek, B.C., and a dozen more men will leave this week for the Cassiar.

Feb. 24, 1950

The March meeting of Bishop Rowe General Hospital will be open to the public, the hospital board of control announced this week. In making the announcement, H. Byrd, acting secretary, said: “We realize the general public is often misinformed or completely uninformed regarding the management of and the reasons for conditions at the hospital. Inasmuch as Bishop Rowe Hospital is a community hospital, we wish to remedy this situation insofar as we are able, and we will welcome constructive questions, criticisms and suggestions.

Feb. 26, 1975

Finally, after nearly 25 years of participating in the Southeast Basketball League, the Wrangell Wolves will enter the Southeast tournament seeded in the No. 1 spot. This is the first time in school history that it will enter the tournament in this position. “It was a long, hard season but we won when the chips were down,” said Coach Paul Schweinberg. The coach feels very confident that the team will not disappoint Wrangell or themselves in the tournament, which opens tomorrow. The starting five are: Fred Angerman, Randy Buness, Greg Stigen, Thorne Ferguson and Eric Peterson.

Feb. 24, 2000

The regular meeting of the city council went smoothly. First to speak was Butch Schmidt. He questioned the city’s new ordinance regarding liability for power surges and outages. Schmidt argued that since the purchasers of electrical power had bought in good faith, the city had some responsibility for providing reliable power. He did not think that “filling our homes with surge protectors” was a particularly good idea. Although the council listened sympathetically, there was no discussion on changing the ordinance which was written along the same lines as Petersburg’s. Schmidt then asked if, since the city would not be responsible for the power surges and outages, the city would provide surge protectors for the citizens. Councilman McConachie commented that he didn’t know if the city could provide surge protectors or not, but it didn’t seem likely.


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