Online tourism survey closes March 20

A team from Oregon State University’s Sustainable Tourism Lab wants to hear from you.

The borough linked up with the academic team to better understand the community’s opinions about tourism. The survey is available at and the deadline to complete the short questionnaire is March 20.

On Feb. 21, a member of the team joined City Hall’s monthly economic development coffee chat at the Stikine Inn, and community members offered up ideas to better understand Wrangell’s tourism economy.

For example, one community member suggested that downtown stores could report their daily sales tax numbers to the borough at the end of the summer. That way, the borough could understand which cruise ships brought the most revenue to town.

The borough’s Economic Development Department and members of the tourism lab staffed a table in the high school commons during the homecoming basketball games against Petersburg on Feb. 21. This gave the team ample opportunity to hear from people face-to-face, rather than exclusively through the online survey.

The team will return to Wrangell sometime in April to present their findings from the survey, according to Economic Development Director Kate Thomas. She believes the results will help inform the borough of how to best make tourism-related decisions with the community’s wishes in mind.


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