Legislature will accept budget testimony Friday

The House Finance Committee is scheduled to take public testimony on the state operating budget over three days this week, with several Southeast communities, including Wrangell, on the calendar for Friday afternoon, March 14.

The time slot for Southeast residents to testify is set for 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Friday.

Individuals will be limited to two minutes each to give the committee their opinions on the state spending plan for the fiscal year that starts July 1.

Anyone in Wrangell who wants to testify is asked to come to the Legislative Information Office on the second floor of the Kadin Building at 215 Front St. by 1:15 p.m. Friday to sign up and get in the queue for the committee.

For people who want to submit comments on the budget in writing, the office has a written form available, which will be transmitted to the committee.

For more information, call the Legislative Information Office at 907-874-3013.

Residents in other areas of Alaska are invited to testify on Wednesday and Thursday. The public hearings are an annual event as the House and Senate finance committees work on the state budget.

The state is dealing with a budget deficit of several hundred million dollars, with school funding, the size of this year’s Permanent Fund dividend and delayed or canceled federal funding among the biggest issues facing legislators.


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